
 营业执照登载项目 营业执照登载信息
 统一社会信用代码 91370724MA3CE6KA5K
 名 称 Weifang Zhuoyu New Material Technology Co., Ltd.
 住 所 Yeyuan Town, Yexi Village, Linqu County, Weifang City, Shandong Province
 法定代表人 Yu Yang
 注册资金(万元人民币) 5 million yuan
 成立日期 2016-07-25
 营业期限 2016-07-25 to no fixed period
 经营范围 Ceramic products processing and marketing; new material technology research and development, technology promotion services; self-management and agency of import and export business of all kinds of goods and technologies, except those whose import and export are restricted or prohibited by laws and regulations. (Projects subject to approval in accordance with the law may not carry out business activities until approved by relevant departments)
